How Microneedling can Rejuvenate Your Neck

When it comes to skincare, the neck and the chest are often overlooked. However, this area of the body is particularly susceptible to signs of aging. The skin is more delicate and thinner, and it’s also more prone to sun damage. Thankfully, Microneedling can help rejuvenate the neck and reveal a healthier, more youthful look. Microneedling treatments involve passing a derma pen over the surface of the skin to create micro injuries. As a result, the body’s ability to heal itself is activated. Collagen and elastin production is increased, smoothing and restoring the area and leaving you with healthier skin.

Why do I show visible signs of aging on my neck and chest?

Your neck has thin and delicate skin, which makes it more prone to aging prematurely. It tends to be dryer, since it has fewer oil glands than other areas and thus retains less moisture. Apart from that, the fact is that moving an area causes wrinkles, think of the laugh lines that form around the mouth if you’re a person that smiles often. The neck is inevitably used often, you turn your head, look up and look down, creasing the skin and, with time, causing it to wrinkle and sag. As we age, collagen production slows down, and we lose skin elasticity.

It also tends to be an area that goes untreated when it comes to skincare. You probably follow a skincare routine for your face and use moisturizer in your arms and legs, but not on your neck or your chest. In fact, a way to slow down the aging of your neck, you should make sure to spread your skincare products all the way down to your chest.

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a technique involving puncturing the skin with tiny, sterile needles. This causes micro-wounds which triggers the skin’s healing response. Promoting collagen production and skin rejuvenation.

It can be used to treat many skin conditions, including wrinkles, scarring, acne, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, stretch marks, and alopecia

Why should I use Microneedling for my neck and chest?

The neck and chest tend to age quicker than the rest of your skin, luckily there are a myriad of options to restore it’s youthfulness. Apart from an invasive surgical procedure, there are several non-surgical options out there to rejuvenate your neck, and, if you’re worried about wrinkles, sagging and crepey skin, Microneedling treatment is a great one to naturally restore damaged skin.

While it can be done at home, the results are far better if done by a professional, because the equipment available is more advanced. Plus, there’s also more risk involved with at home Microneedling. It’s generally less uncomfortable at home, since there is less needle depth and it’s not meant to pierce the epidermis, but that also means it needs to be done more often.

Is Microneedling worth it? What results can I expect?

If you would like to have smoother, younger-looking skin, than absolutely. Your body responds to the micro-wounds caused by the needles right away. The blood flow increases and healing properties rush to the surface, so your skin’s appearance will be improved immediately after your treatment, and it will continue to improve as time goes on.

You’ll probably see the full results four to six weeks after the treatment. In this timeframe, your body produced enough collagen and elastin to heal the area. Your skin will then look younger and healthier.

What to expect after Microneedling

During the first 24 hours after your treatment, blood circulation will increase so you can expect your skin to look red. Maybe bright red if your skin is sensitive. We may apply nourishing serums or recommend a moisturizer to soothe the skin during this time.

Your skin may feel rough for the first few days, due to cellular turnover. You may even notice tiny marks on your skin. This should only last about 3 to 5 days. Some people also experience mild swelling and bruising. It can be disguised with makeup.

How often should you microneedle your neck?

For most patients, a frequency of one treatment every four to six weeks works best. However, this can change from person to person. The best thing to do is to have a dermatologist or an esthetician help you determine what frequency of treatments would work best for you to achieve your skin goals.

How to prepare for Microneedling?

Microneedling doesn’t require you to prepare weeks in advance. You can start 24 to 48 hours before your treatment, and you should discuss this in detail with your esthetician or board certified dermatologist.

First and foremost, for at least 24 hours in advance, avoid tanning beds and direct exposure to sunlight as much as possible. If the sun is unavoidable, a strong SPF is your new best friend. Make sure to cover your neck. Otherwise, your skin might be irritated during your treatment.

Another thing to take under consideration, is that you’ll have to temporarily suspend the use of certain products, especially retinoids or anything acid-based. This is important both before and after your treatment to avoid drying out your skin. If you’re not sure which products you can use, consult your esthetician. It’s also recommended that, if you’re taking any blood thinning medication, you stop one to three days in advance.

On Microneedling day, wash your face and neck with a gentle cleanser and forgo lotion, serums and perfumes for the day. You will also need to remove your makeup.

Microneedling for Neck and Jowls

Microneedling can dramatically improve the appearance of your neck and jowls. By triggering the body’s healing response, it increases collagen and elastin in the area, which helps restore youthfulness.

If the wrinkling and sagging that you want to correct is severe, Microneedling can be paired with other non-surgical treatments like Botox to give you optimal results.

Microneedling or Fraxel for Turkey Neck

Microneedling and Fraxel both work under a similar logic; injuring the skin just enough to improve collagen production. But the mechanism is different. Microneedling uses a handheld device to injure the skin’s surface, Fraxel uses a laser to penetrate deeper and more precisely, leaving spots untreated in between the wounds.

Fraxel is far more invasive than Microneedling, and while it isn’t painful, it is more uncomfortable as well. When it comes to effectiveness, both deliver great results, but Microneedling may be more appropriate to treat more mild cases, since Fraxel penetrates more layers of skin.

Generally, there is little to no time of recovery from Microneedling, all side effects should fade in a few days, and they’re very mild. Fraxel, on the other hand, may require some downtime, and the skin is typically red and swollen for about ten days after the treatment.

In this day and age the anti-aging options, whether for your neck or any other area, are numerous and effective. Look at what you want to treat, ascertain your goals, research your options, discuss with your esthetician, and choose the best option for you to have a more youthful neckline.


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